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Laptop with YouTube video showing a lock with a mortarboard

The 5 Best Data Protection YouTube Channels in German

After we've dealt extensively with the best English-language privacy YouTube channels, today we show our favorite German-language channels. Our focus is on the topics Privacy and IT-Security.

Alexander Lehmann (@alexanderlehmann)

__Selected topics: __

  • Data Protection Online
  • Cyber Security
  • Surveillance State

Alexander Lehmann gained fame as a graphic designer and video artist with his first video, "Du bist Terrorist" (You are a terrorist) and received several awards. On his YouTube channel, Alexander uses animated videos to explain regulations on data protection and security online in a simplified way. His video "Du bist Terrorist", for example, criticizes the surveillance state, in which every citizen of the Federal Republic is regarded as a potential terrorist. With the help of his series on the General Data Protection Regulation, Alexander Lehmann tries to explain the complicated regulations and consequences in a simplified manner using short videos.

Tip: Even though Alexander Lehmann does not regularly upload videos to his YouTube channel, it is worthwhile for privacy enthusiasts to browse through his videos.

To the website of the YouTube channel: alexanderlehmann.net

To the YouTube channel: alexanderlehmann

Mission Datenschutz (@MissionDatenschutz)

__Selected topics: __

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Verdicts for data protection officers
  • Tutorials, practical tips, and news about data protection

Thomas Feil is a lawyer specializing in IT law as well as labor law and has been running the YouTube channel “Mission Datenschutz” (Mission Data Protection) since 2018. The channel has 13,400 subscribers (as of October 2021) and includes the series “DSGVO erklärt” (Data Protection Regulation Explained), “Schufa und DSGVO” (Schufa and Data Protection Regulation) and “Der Datenschutzbeauftragte” (The Data Protection Officer). The latter explains important topics and duties for data protection officers. Unfortunately, no new videos have been uploaded for two years, but it is a very good channel to get an overview of the GDPR and its regulations. In addition, data protection officers can view verdicts on historical cases, which can be very helpful for their daily work.

Tip: For those interested in data protection, this YouTube channel is helpful to learn about the GDPR as well as rulings on data protection lawsuits. We would love to see more uploads!

To the website of the YouTube channel: www.recht-freundlich.de

To the YouTube channel: Mission Datenschutz

Datenschutz is Pflicht (@DatenschutzistPflicht)

Selected topics:

  • “Ask a Data Protection Officer”
  • Online Privacy Training
  • Data privacy incidents

With 1,100 subscribers, “Datenschutz ist Pflicht” (Data Protection is a must) is still a fairly small YouTube channel on the topic of data protection. Stephan Plesnik created the channel in 2019 and has since been answering questions about data protection and information security that might arise in everyday business. With regular uploads, viewers are informed about current data protection topics, such as the security of messengers, encryption or even why a privacy policy is needed at all.

Tip: Thanks to the regular uploads, the topics on the channel always remain up-to-date. On “Datenschutz ist Pflicht”, more complex topics are pleasantly explained by Stephan Plesnik.

To the website of the YouTube channel: www.datenschutz-ist-pflicht.de

To the YouTube channel: Datenschutz ist Pflicht

Heise Online (@heiseonline)

__Selected topics: __

  • Cyber security
  • Data protection on the internet
  • Current tech trends

The main channel, “heise online”, currently counts 79,300 subscribers (as of October 2021), with new videos uploaded almost daily on current trends in technology, digitization, data protection and video games with a video duration of around two to three minutes. The publication schedule also includes “heise+ live”, where various questions are answered, as well as the podcast “c't uplink” and “heise spielt”. Especially in the podcast and in “heise+ live”, data protection on the Internet and in the cloud play a major role.

Tip: With new videos published almost daily, both data privacy beginners and people with in-depth knowledge can get an overview of current trends and happenings. We recommend that our readers click through the wide-ranging videos to stay up to date on the topics of data privacy and risks on the web.

To the website of the YouTube channel: www.heise.de

To the YouTube channel: heise online

Schau Hin! (@InitiativeSCHAUHIN)

__Selected topics: __

  • Current media trends
  • Tips for a child friendly use of computers, phones, etc.
  • Data Protection on the internet

“Schau Hin!” (Look!) is an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, as well as some German TV stations and health insurance companies. The channel serves as a media guide for families so that parents can stay up to date on the latest media issues and get tips on how to handle cell phones, video games and the Internet in a way that is appropriate for children. Videos are not always uploaded regularly, yet the “Digital Parents’ Evening” and short videos by ambassador Lissy Ishag help guardians gain a better understanding, as well as a correct and, above all, safe approach to media and devices on the Internet. According to the channel, it is better to understand media than to ban them.

Tip: We think that “Schau Hin!” makes an important contribution to educating parents and especially their children about the risks on the Internet. It is also important not only to ban devices and the Internet but also to enable safe and, above all, child-friendly use. In this way, the importance of data protection can be learned and applied at an early age.

To the website of the YouTube channel: www.schau-hin.info

To the YouTube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/c/InitiativeSCHAUHIN/](Initiative SCHAUHIN!)


With over 400 hours of video content uploaded every minute to YouTube, there is usually always a video to a certain topic or question in mind. The videos do not always have to serve entertainment purposes, instead, some channels have specialized in providing valuable information and support for their viewers.

Especially data and cyber security are very complex topics that can be understood and explained better through the help of videos. As a company specialized in data protection, we think it is very important to sensitize as many people and companies as possible on the privacy and protection of their data.

If you know any more YouTube channels that provide videos on cyber security and data protection, feel free to share this with us via our social media platforms.

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