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Data Privacy Podcasts 2019 (in German) in Comparison

Lisa Figas | Marketing Manager


Data Privacy – The Best Podcasts in German 2022

There are two factions at Boxcryptor. Some love YouTube and follow the topics they are interested in there. The others swear by podcasts. I belong – quite clearly – to the podcast faction. I enjoy listening to the latest episodes of my favorite podcasters while cooking or on the go. I search for all topics that interest me in the podcast apps.

There, I also searched with the keyword Datenschutz (German for data privacy) and – together with the Boxcryptor team – listened through many podcasts. Here is my list of the best privacy podcasts.
If you are interested in the best English-speaking podcasts 2020, you will find more information in our further article.

28-9 Podcast Datenschutz-Podcast

Der Datenschutz Podcast (monthly)

Selected topics:

  • Cyber stalking and digital violence
  • Crypto currencies
  • Human rights vs. state espionage

Klaudia Zotzmann-Koch is an author, podcaster and data protection expert. Since 2018 she has been broadcasting the Privacy Podcast together with changing guests. She also deals with topics that I did not find in the other podcasts, such as stalking. But of course, it is also about general topics, such as the GDPR. Each program is designed in such a way that the content and tips are easy for beginners to understand. In most cases you can take concrete recommendations with you.

I am looking forward to every issue and am impressed by how active Klaudia is in the field of data protection. It was through her that I first learned about the great project Chaos macht Schule.

Tip: It is worthwhile to browse through the older episodes. The titles are self-explanatory and you can pick out what is of interest.

Podcast website: Datenschutz-Podcast.net

28-9 Podcast Logbuch-Netzpolitik

Logbuch:Netzpolitik (weekly)

Selected topics:

  • Julian Assange
  • The German Corona-Warn-App
  • Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz – DVG

The four-member team of Logbuch:Netzpolitik comprises Linus Neumann, Tim Pritlove, Andre Meister, and Thomas Lohninger. Depending on the topic of the episode, experts will be brought in. On their website they describe the podcast like this: Logbuch:Netzpolitik is the attempt to capture the netpolitical events in the German-speaking area in a largely neutral and unagitated way in a regular podcast. For me, the episodes are a good opportunity to deepen my knowledge of network policy issues. The episode titles suggest a slightly ironic tone. One of my favorite episodes at the moment is LPN354 named Schrems II which was published on July 23rd 2020 and deals with the court ruling of the Privacy Shield.

The individual programs are always conversations between two or three speakers. This makes listening entertaining and varied. Apparently dry topics are explained in an entertaining and understandable way in the Logbuch:Netzpolitik.

Tip: The show´s notes are very detailed and full of links and sources. So you can quickly find topics that fit your own interests.

Podcast website: Logbuch-Netzpolitik.de

28-9 Podcast Percepticon

Percepticon (monthly)

Selected topics:

  • IT-Security
  • Cyberwar and Cyber security architecture
  • Click here to kill everybody

Matthias Schulze has an experienced knowledge in the fields of political science, international relations, security research, science and technology studies and wrote his doctoral thesis on cyber-war in 2018. On this basis, he deals with digital technologies, the internet, cyberspace, and security policy. This is how Percepticon was created, consisting of a podcast and a blog. In most of the episodes published since April 2019, Matthias Schulze speaks alone. Sometimes with, sometimes without a script. From time to time there is a WTF episode in which he explains a selected term (e.g. cyberweapons). But there are also interviews, for example with Thomas Reinhold from the TU Darmstadt about digital arms control.

I am very happy that Percepticon was recommended to us by a follower. The military strategic view on the subject of data security was missing from this collection of podcasts.

Tip: Matthias’ Twitter Feed is a collection of interesting links on cybersecurity and the digitalization of society and politics.

Podcast website: Percepticon

Podcast Denkangebot von Katharina Nocun

Denkangebot (monthly)

Selected topics:

  • Hackercamp
  • The transparent customer
  • Upload filter

Katharina Kattascha Nocun, civil rights activist, publicist and economist, has quickly made a name for herself in the podcast scene because she publishes high-quality and journalistically researched features. Since 2019 she publishes the podcast Denkangebot on a monthly basis. With a mixture of monologues, interviews, and quotations, she makes it easy for listeners to take an interest in the political perspectives of data protection and digitisation. A quote from Katatasha's blog that touches me very much: Privacy is not about protecting data. It's about protecting people.

Denkangebot is not exclusively about data protection and privacy, but the topic is often present. There is so much to lear, here! My current favorite episode is the report from the Hackercamp. When listening to it I felt like being there myself.

Tip: Katharina Nocun has written a book about data protection: The data I called: How we sell our freedom to large corporations. You can order it for 18,00€ everywhere where books are sold.

Podcast website: Denkangebot

28-9 Podcast Dr-Datenschutz

Dr. Datenschutz Podcast (monthly)

Selected topics:

  • Order processing contract
  • Adhortatory letter
  • Clerical data privacy

The lawyers Laura L. Stoll and Cornelius von Cramm call their podcast Dr. Datenschutz the ”Boulevard of Data Privacy”. I think that's very apt, because in a relaxed dialogue they talk moodily about the respective topics and also add anecdotes from their clients – anonymously, of course. For more in-depth analyses, please refer to the (great) blog Dr. Datenschutz.

I noticed the podcast mainly because the two laugh a lot together. So the (often) difficult topic of data protection gets a certain lightness, which I personally feel is a refreshing change. Data protection can also be fun...

Tip: An article on the subject of data protection appears daily on Dr. Datenschutz. Often, the authors refer to brand-new topics. These articles also appear in the daily Newsletter. I can therefore only recommend subscribing to it.

Podcast website: Dr. Datenschutz

28-9 Podcast Rechtsbelehrung

Rechtsbelehrung (monthly)

Selected topics:

  • Data privacy through paternalism?
  • Virtual householder’s rights
  • Terms and conditions

The team of the Rechtsbelehrung podcast includes the journalist Marcus Richter and the specialist lawyer for IT law Thomas Schwenke. The two always invite different guests to talk about legal topics. Thus, each series of the Rechtsbelehrung has its own emphasis.

This podcast is distinguished from all others by the fact that a layman asks the questions. Therefore, Marcus Richter moves very much along the reality of the listeners' lives. Thomas Schwenke and the guests then place the question in a legal context. This leads to the fact that really everyone can take something out of the individual episodes of Rechtsbelehrung.

Sometimes the conversation digresses a bit and then it is discussed intensively, whether data piracy is punishable if the information has already been leaked by someone else in the past (as happened in the famous so-called Bundestag Hack 2019, in Germany). I think that's great – and very varied!

This podcast does not deal exclusively with data protection, but it does so very often. Because the format and content are so recommendable, we've included the Rechtsbelehrung in our list of the best privacy podcasts.

Tip: I personally thought at first that criminal law was completely uninteresting for me, but even from this episode I was able to take something with me. For example, now I have a better understanding of the difference between murder and manslaughter and consequently, I can classify news about court cases better.

Podcast website: Rechtsbelehrung

28-9 Podcast Datenwache

Computer und Kommunikation – Deutschlandfunk (weekly)

Selected topics:

  • Data privacy
  • Open Source
  • Digitalization

Computer und Kommunikation is a division of Deutschlandfunk, a public radio station in Germany. Once a week, a series on computers and communication is broadcasted on the radio. This series appears in the podcast feed, shortly after. Although the topic of data protection does not appear directly in the title, in every episode of this podcast it is mentioned at least once.

Of course, Deutschlandfunk offers excellent sound quality and high-quality produced content. However, when it comes to data protection, the editors find it difficult to maintain the style. Typical for Deutschlandfunk are the literary contributions and short radio plays, which make every series more varied. But in the area of computers there is simply not as much that fits. Personally, I found these elements annoying because they usually offer no added value in terms of content.

Nevertheless, there is a great recommendation from us for Computer und Kommunikation. The reason for this is that it is the only German-language podcast that interviews experts from science and authorities. All other podcasts invite lawyers to their shows. The guests at Computer und Kommunikation are a helpful addition because they have a completely different perspective on the topics.

The expert interviews offer a great added value. This is the main reason I listen to the show.

Tip: Computer und Kommunikation offers a good overview of current topics from the field of digitization.

Podcast Website: Computer und Kommunikation

For all those who want to better assess the risks of digital technologies and services.

SAFETY FIRST – TÜV SÜD (bi-weekly)

__ Selected topics:__

  • Cybersecurity
  • Digitization
  • Data protection

The Safety First podcast launched by TÜV SÜD in October 2019 broadly discusses safety matters in the digital world. It deals with the opportunities and risks of digitalization, cybersecurity and data protection. The podcast is interesting for both, everyday business and private life. In each episode the host Jolyne Schürmann picks out digital technologies and services such as online banking, messenger services or the cloud and highlights the advantages and possible dangers or uncertainties with changing discussion partners.

The podcast helps to get an overview of technologies that play an ever-increasing role in our everyday lives and, if necessary, to make a decision to protect one's own data - be it private or at work.

Tip: For everyone who wants to better assess the risks of digital technologies and services

Podcast Website: SAFETY FIRST

Data Privacy – The Best Podcasts in German 2020: Legal Bits

__ Selected topics:__

  • Cybersecurity, especially Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • IT Law
  • GDPR and E-Privacy Regulation

Frank Stiegler, attorney with a focus on IT law, has been regularly publishing the podcast Legal Bits since 2016. Now and then he is supported by Volker Schleiffer, who is a technician at Google, as well as various guest speakers. It is worth taking a look at the podcast overview, as some of the now 30 podcast episodes include some hot topics.

On average, each episode lasts about an hour, so you will need to bring some time with you. However, Frank Stiegler makes good use of this time to go into the topics in depth in a relaxed, conversational tone.

Tip: If you already have some previous knowledge of data protection, IT law and regulations, you can look forward to an entertaining and interesting podcast.

Podcast Website: Legal Bits

28-9 Podcast Datenschutz-Guru

Datenschutz-Guru - der Podcast (occasional)

Selected topics:

  • Data protection officer (tasks and skills)
  • Storage time with video surveillance
  • Exceptions to information requirements

Stephan Hansen-Oest is a lawyer and specialist for IT law in Flensburg. This background becomes quite apparent in the podcast, because it is always focused on individual paragraphs and articles. Although Hansen East speaks very detailed about the individual laws and regulations, it never gets boring. And, although every episode of the Datenschutz- Guru is a long monologue – it is (with rare exceptions) a format without guests – this is by no means a disadvantage in this case. This podcast is dynamic and varied, so that the (apparently) dry topic of data protection is conveyed in an entertaining way.

I especially remembered positively that Stephan Hansen-Oest preceded one of his series with a spontaneous and strong statement contra new-right-movements in Germany.

Tip: It's best to look through all the episodes of this podcast and then download the programs that match your own focus of interest.

Podcast Website: Datenschutz Guru.

28-5 Podcasts Listening Alt

Listening to Podcasts

Whoever creates a podcast makes it available in a feed. Listeners can subscribe to this feed and receive each new episode automatically. This works best with so-called podcatchers. These are apps where you can follow your favourite podcasts. On iOS, in my opinion, Overcast is the best. Pocket Cast or Antennapod are recommended for Android.

7-1 Podcasts Listening EN

You can listen to podcasts on music streaming portals like iTunes or Spotify as well, or on special (mostly paid) audio platforms like Deezer and Audible Podcasts. Most podcasts are also offered for download or stream on the websites of the respective providers.

I personally use Overcast and simply listen to all downloaded episodes one after the other. From time to time I go through the list and delete topics I'm no longer interested in. This way I always have my private radio station with me, which is exactly tailored to my interests. Wonderful!

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