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Data Privacy Podcasts 2019 (in German) in Comparison

Lisa Figas | Marketing Manager


Data Privacy – The Best Podcasts in English 2022

After we've dealt extensively with the best German-language privacy podcasts, today we show our favorite English-language podcasts. Our focus was on the topics Privacy and IT-Security.

Podcast Smashing Security

Smashing Security (weekly)

Selected topics:

  • IoT (Internet of Things)
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Exploits

The connection between Podcaster Graham Cluley and Jonathan from Boxcryptor was something like love on the first note. After listening to the podcast for a long time, we were very happy when Graham agreed to an interview for the Boxcryptor blog. The two chatted for an hour about party stories, Brexit and cloud encryption.

At Smashing Security, IT security expert Cluley is working with entrepreneur Carole Theriault, who founded Sophos Naked Security and Tick Tock Communications. They meet once a week to discuss current IT security issues. The focus is on current hacks and how they could have been prevented. The two of them also recommend software and apps from time to time and have all kinds of interesting facts for life in a digital society at hand.

Most episodes have a guest. Specialists from the field of security provide variety. The atmosphere is usually exuberant and there is a lot of laughter.

Jonathan from Boxcryptor:

I particularly appreciate the anecdotal narrative style on this podcast. That's how security is fun!

Tip: The Twitter accounts of Smashing Security, Carol Theriault, and Graham Cluley are really recommendable.

Podcast website: Smashing Security

Transparency note: Boxcryptor was already sponsor of Smashing Security.

Podcast Down the Security Rabbit Hole about IT security and privacy

Down the Security Rabbithole: Security from a business perspective (weekly)

Selected topics:

  • The lack of diversity in technology
  • Reviews of security events
  • Human data ethics

Down the Security Rabbithole (DtSR) has set itself the task of making security jobs a little easier - as the podcast intro says. The hosts are Rafal Los and James Jardine. In addition, there are the friends of the show Shawn Tuma and Michael Santarcangelo. Together, the security experts produce entertaining and humorous programs. The special thing about DtSR is that the topics are really discussed in depth and from different perspectives.

A certain basic knowledge is a prerequisite here. However, this is self-evident, since the podcast is aimed primarily at people who work in the data protection area of companies. In addition, we noticed the very pictorial language. It helps to communicate even complex topics in an entertaining way.

Nicole from Boxcryptor:

I think it's great to get such a direct insight into the work of security experts. DtSR is really recommendable.

Tip: Medium-sized companies and enterprises find a lot of helpful information here.

Podcast website: Down the Security Rabbithole

Podcast Risky.Biz about IT security and privacy

Risky Business – It’s a jungle out there (weekly)

It is impossible to identify individual focal points of the weekly podcast of Patrick Gray and Adam Boileu. They deal with such different topics that the self-description weekly news roundup is actually the best summary.

In a fast-paced ride, the two hosts treat their themes of the week humorously and occasionally also a little ironically. Each episode is so packed with themes that one would wish that chapter marks would be made available to help one orientate oneself within the hour-long podcast.

Tim from Boxcryptor:

Risky Business gives me a great overview. I especially like the detailed link lists in the Shownotes. Thanks for that!

Tip: You can’t hear this podcast on the side, because concentration is necessary.

Podcast website: RISKY.BIZ

Podcast 7 Minute Security about IT security and privacy

7 Minute Security Podcast (weekly)

Selected topics:

  • Penetration testing
  • Career advice
  • Vulnerability scanning

When we listened to the 7 Minutes Security Podcast for the first time, we had to laugh heartily. The podcast has its own song, the lyrics of which we have to post here:

You know security is hard so let’s assume

We're probably gonna get pwned by noon

But if we all start to get the basics right

We might not fully get pwned until tonight

7 Minute Security is aimed at people who already have a basic knowledge of IT security, but little time. However, the episodes are always considerably longer than 7 minutes. The host of the podcast is Brian Johnson, who wants to give something back to the community with the information he provides weekly. Johnson has numerous certificates in the area of IT security and offers security assessments, penetration tests and employee training for companies.

Monologues and interviews alternate in the podcast. In the interviews, 7 Minute Security offers a small extra service and lists all the questions asked in the show notes. Unfortunately, there are no chapter marks that help you jump directly to the topics you are interested in.

Christian from Boxcryptor:

Brian Johnson talks about where he himself had problems with implementation, or where there are problems. I was impressed by this openness. I see the value for security professionals primarily in getting new tools or thought-provoking ideas.

Tip: It feels to us like Johnson's chatting out of the box. This means, that the episodes do not work as a guide or a to-do list, it is more about how people who work in IT security tick, and what problems he or she has to deal with.

Podcast website: 7minsec

Podcast Darknet Diaries about IT security and privacy

Darknet Diaries (bi-weekly)

Selected topics:

  • Privacy violations
  • Data leakage
  • Cyber crime

The recommendations of the Guardian and the New York Times have made us curious. Darknet Diaries is a high-quality podcast with well-chosen background music and detailed sources. The topics are comprehensively researched and understandable even for people without any technical knowledge.

Host Jack Rhysider has built an impressive reputation over the past 50 episodes. Exciting interview guests give insights into their work and show how vulnerable the privacy of each one of us is. He teaches you a lot about the entanglements of different agencies and companies, about the security industry itself, and about how to use social engineering to obtain information.

Rebecca from Boxcryptor:

Darknet Diaries is infotainment to me. I look forward to every episode and especially like the atmospheric background.

Tip: True fans order T-shirts from the Darknet Diaries online shop. We especially like the burning notebook.

Podcast website: Darknet Diaries

Podcast CyberWire about IT security and privacy

The Cyber Wire (daily)

Selected topics:

  • News
  • Phishing
  • Reports about large hacks

The Cyber Wire is by far the podcast the most frequent new releases. Every day, an episode of about 20 minutes comes out – the perfect length to listen to, for example while commuting. However, the speakers also set a fast pace. You definitely have to concentrate while listening.

The Cyber Wire universe also includes the podcasts Hacking Humans on social engineering (weekly) and Cyber Wire-X, a program that appears only occasionally, but in which topics such as the DS-GVO are discussed in depth and from different perspectives.

Philipp from Boxcryptor:

The Cyber Wire helps me stay up to date on IT security. I don’t want to miss this podcast anymore!

Tip: On Saturdays, there is always an episode on the subject of research, i.e. on research projects and results from the IT security sector. If you would like to present a research project yourself, you can apply here.

Podcast website: The Cyber Wire

Podcast Security Through Education

Security Through Education Podcast (monthly)

Selected topics:

  • Social engineering
  • Fear as a psychological strategy in cyber security
  • Is it possible to remain private today?

The focus of the Security Through Education Podcast is clearly on social engineering. This is the term used to describe the strategy of obtaining confidential information through interpersonal influence. A group of security experts around Chris Hadnagy welcomes exciting guests in the monthly podcast and discusses – in almost philosophical manner – the big questions of data protection. The focus is on human behavior and its effects on information security.

Flo from Boxcryptor:

I particularly like the fact that the Security Through Education team provides detailed notes and chapter marks for each episode.

Tip: We also find the podcast blog very worth reading. The newsletter also provides a convenient way to receive all Security Through Education publications in your inbox.

Podcast website: Social-Engineer

The Privacy Advisor Podcast about IT security and privacy

The Privacy Advisor Podcast (from time to time)

Selected topics:

  • CCPA
  • GDPR
  • Privacy in different countries all over the world

The Privacy Advisor Podcast is part of the IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals), the world's largest privacy community. Boxcryptor has also participated in one of the numerous IAPP conferences.

The global network is noticeable in the podcast topics. Host Angelique Carson, for example, often deals with data protection regulations, such as the GDPR, which came into force in the EU in 2018, or the Californian CCPA, which will affect many IT companies worldwide in 2020. To this end, interesting discussion partners are invited who open up new perspectives. In the process, one learns a great deal about the field of IT security in the respective countries.

Boris from Boxcryptor:

For us as an internationally operating company, it is extremely important to monitor changes in legislation in other countries. The Privacy Advisor Podcast helps us to do this.

Tip: The IAPP offers an extensive membership program with certifications, network meetings and information material. It is worth taking a look at the conditions.

Podcast website: IAPP.org

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Listening to Podcasts

Whoever creates a podcast makes it available in a feed. Listeners can subscribe to this feed and receive each new episode automatically. This works best with so-called podcatchers. These are apps where you can follow your favorite podcasts. On iOS, in my opinion, Overcast is the best. Pocket Cast or Antennapod are recommended for Android.

7-1 Podcasts Listening EN

You can listen to podcasts on music streaming portals like iTunes or Spotify as well, or on special (mostly paid) audio platforms like Deezer and Audible Podcasts. Most podcasts are also offered for download or stream on the websites of the respective providers.

I personally use Overcast and simply listen to all downloaded episodes one after the other. From time to time I go through the list and delete topics I'm no longer interested in. This way I always have my private radio station with me, which is exactly tailored to my interests. Wonderful!

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