We are excited to share that we are set to begin a new chapter with Dropbox, Inc. Dropbox is acquiring our IP technology to embed natively into the Dropbox product, bringing end-to-end, zero-knowledge encryption to millions of business customers around the world. Check out our blog to find out more!

Andrea Pfundmeier, CEO (left) and Robert Freudenreich, CTO (right); credits: Eda Calisti

10 Years Secomba GmbH: A Reason To Celebrate!

We are disappointed, offended and sad. A feast with a magician, fireworks and a live band would have been the least we deserved for our 10th company anniversary: Evening dress for all and popping champagne corks!
Now a pandemic has intervened, and the feast of feasts is cancelled. Instead, we sit in our children's rooms, at kitchen tables and in improvised offices. Virtually connected but isolated at the same time. How do you honor your own achievements in the face of a global crisis? With extensive (and sometimes not entirely serious) self-praise, of course.

We Are an Excellent Team

Soon, the 89th employment contract will be signed. This number includes numerous internships and we have consistently filled several working student positions. Currently, our team consists of 25 permanent employees. Not everyone who has signed up have stayed with us forever, but those who are here today are a committed community. Some of us help each other with childcare, we invite each other to weddings, celebrate New Year's Eve together or support each other with our final dissertation.

This team foto was taken in compliance with all distance rules.

We have developed a close-knit feedback culture and can therefore identify and solve problems quickly. This is how we ensure a good working atmosphere. If something does not turn out quite as well as expected, we learn from it and make it really fantastic next time.

We Are Extremely Agile

We support every operating system update on the day of its official release. We build new integrations at breakneck speed. If a worldwide pandemic suddenly causes everyone to switch to Microsoft Teams, we will launch an integration of our encryption software within three blinks of an eye.
We are constantly readjusting our target groups and industries in order to grow our company sustainably and with as much security as possible. In this way, we enable our colleagues a prosperous life well with a secure income.

We Have Class

Like every other company, we were surprised by the lockdown. But while others had to worry about stable Wi-Fi and VPN access, we undertook a complete redesign of our office. We tore down walls, got rid of old furniture and bought lots of new paint. Unfortunately, most of us have only seen photos of the new space so far.

Renovation of the Boxcryptor office

We Have Weathered the Pandemic Very Well So Far

For many years, our company has been characterized by one thing in particular: Stability. Despite the global crisis, we were able to work together fruitfully as a team as usual. Our company figures are developing excellently. And our servers purr away like little kittens taking a nap. So everything is cool in Boxcryptor land.

We Have the Most Cordial Users

Since the release of the first Boxcryptor app in 2011 on Dropbox's forum, we have been swimming on a wave of gushing messages, helpful feedback, and kind words. Our support team keeps posting (anonymous!) quotes from wholesome emails in the team chat. Especially now, in these difficult times, the kind words from our customers are a much-appreciated motivation for us. We would love to hear more of them!

We Have the Most Useful Merchandise

Our motto is: usefulness. We enjoy Augsburg’s excellent tap water from drinking bottles with our company logo, (are not) left out the cold with our Boxcryptor wind jackets and wear T-shirts with the company logo also outside our company’s events.

Boxcryptor wind jacket

By the way: Whoever makes sure that a new company buys a Boxcryptor license by word of mouth will get a surprise package with these useful things. Find out more.

We Have the Vast Majority of Corporate Awards

Admittedly, the trophy of the priME Exist Cup is a bit scary with its pointed edges. But our founding team Robert and Andrea, fortunately, brought the glass sculpture home in one piece. Today, the prize stands next to the German Gründerpreis – an award for founders, and several other awards and plaques displayed in our entrance area. The fact that so many people believed in Boxcryptor during the founding phase is a tailwind that carries us with a lot of momentum until today, 10 years later.

Boxcryptor Gründerpreis

After receiving the Gründerpreis and Innovation Award and Founder's Scholarship, Forbes 30 under 30 and an unimaginable number of founder interviews in all magazines on this planet, we are now entering the next chapter of our lives. We are shaking off the startup image and are now an established mid-sized company – here you go.

Our ship is sailing steady. Sail with us.

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